If you can't find centres, you can make them.
Ideally you need a couple of scrap drills, with the Morse tapoers in good mcondition..
Cut off the flutes, or what remains of them.
Mount in the Headstsock,
Face to your chosen length
Off set the topslide by 30 degrees.
Turn the taper on the stub of drill, until you have a nice sharp point.
Repeat the above for the second ex drfill.
You now have two dead centres.
The one in the Tailstock will need to be lubricated where it enters the centre drillingb in the work, because the work rotates while the centre does not.
The none the Headstock does not require lubrication since there is no relative movement between the centre and the work.
It is advisable when turning between centres, to secure the driving dog to the pin on the catch plate, with a piece of wire to stop the work from rotating at anything other than the speed of the spindle. (You do not want it flapping about if the cut is is in anyway, intermittent. )