Hi, getting back to the Zeus error, my 1978 one that I've used at work for donkey years, has a more serious error, or more to the point, three on the same page. This gave me a real head scratching, thought I was losing it kinda feeling a few years ago. I was trying to calculate an angle for part of a fabrication, but the answer that I kept getting was ridiculously incorrect, time and time I tried, but just couldn't get a sensibly result, even making sure that I was calculating by the correct formula. Turned out that the information in the Zeus was wrong.
Sixth one down in the Data Known column, the letters were both incorrect, can't remember now what they were, but I scratched them off and wrote the correct two in. Also noted that on the same line, three across, it said Cos B when it is Cot B and the same thing in that column on the ninth line, which had Cos C, which it is Cot C.
The calculations came correct once I had the correct formula.
Regards Nick.