Zeus infallible?—-mmmmm!


Zeus infallible?—-mmmmm!

Home Forums Books Zeus infallible?—-mmmmm!

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  • #352499
    Rik Shaw

      Waiting for a delivery later today of a nice new set of imperial 5c collets from 1/16” to 1 ¼” in 1/64” increments. So just to amuse myself I got out a ZEUS book and used it to check which ones might possibly be close enough to be used for gripping metric sizes.

      Part way through I came across this typo (marked with red dot). 55/64???? – I think not.

      I own four ZEUS books, 3 x Metric Revision and 1 x Revised Edition and the mistake occurs in all four.

      And all these years I had considered Mr Zeus to be infallible.

      Rik sad


      Rik Shaw

        Zeus error

        David Standing 1

          My 1980 metric revision version is the same.

          To be fair, I think it is actually a handwriting error rather than a fractional error, the 39/64" looks a bit like 59/64" too.

          Michael Gilligan
            Posted by David Standing 1 on 02/05/2018 13:37:45:

            To be fair, I think it is actually a handwriting error rather than a fractional error …


            I'm inclined to agree, David

            With the eye of faith, I do think it could be seen as a 3




            Speedy Builder5

              Yep, I vote for 35/64" , the slope of the LHS of the first figure isn't the same as the 5, but not quite so clear as perhaps it could have been.

              roy entwistle

                Check the numbers before and after and it's obvious that it's 35/64


                David Standing 1
                  Posted by roy entwistle on 02/05/2018 14:24:29:

                  Check the numbers before and after and it's obvious that it's 35/64


                  It is, but that wasn't the point wink


                    I'm more interested in how Rik can get a 1 1/4" 5C Collet or should that one have a red dot next to it toowink 2

                    Edited By JasonB on 02/05/2018 14:45:00


                      It may be a poor print but they should definitely change it slightly, it's still a very obscure looking 3. Compare it with the "53" 's 3 and that's crisp, and as plain as day a 3 and nothing else. 

                      Michael W

                      Edited By Michael-w on 02/05/2018 15:02:18


                        I have a latest metric revision & it shows all ok…

                        zeus book.jpg


                        Mick B1
                          Posted by David Standing 1 on 02/05/2018 14:38:06:

                          Posted by roy entwistle on 02/05/2018 14:24:29:

                          Check the numbers before and after and it's obvious that it's 35/64


                          It is, but that wasn't the point wink

                          Hmmm…. extremely punctilious point then, IMHO laugh.

                          Rik Shaw

                            Yes Jason. I to am puzzled seeing as the main body of a 5c is only 1 1/4" diameter itself but it clearly states (and shows in a photo that accompanied the listing) that there is a 1 1/4" included. All will be revealed later on today when the seller has kindly offered to drop them of for me.


                            David Standing 1
                              Posted by JasonB on 02/05/2018 14:44:22:

                              I'm more interested in how Rik can get a 1 1/4" 5C Collet or should that one have a red dot next to it toowink 2

                              Edited By JasonB on 02/05/2018 14:45:00

                              And, a set of collets 1/16" to 1 1/4" in 1/64 increments is a LOT of collets! surprise

                              Quick mental check – around 76!


                                I inherited 4 old copies of Zeus tables from my father but unfortunately non are dated.

                                The oldest "15 Star Edition" has all hand written artwork and the tables are printed on one side only of the thick card pages. The various table are laid out rather differently than modern editions e.g. one for decimal equivalents of fraction of a inch and a separate table for metric equivalents.

                                Another one "24 Star Special Edition" obviously dates from the second Word War as inside the front cover it has an advert for the Joint Committee For Soviet Aid which finishes with "Their Fight Is Ours To!." The layout of this edition is very similar to todays versions.

                                All four sets appear to be accurate and very interesting.


                                Rik Shaw

                                  David – You have prompted me to double check the description of my purchase and it looks as if four collets in the sequence will be missing 5/16" – 15/32 – 7/8" and 1 1/16" but yes there are a lot of collets – 66 to be precise. Your figure of 76 would be about right but for the fact that there are no sizes between 1 1/8" and 1 1/4". I am still bothered by the ! 1/4" though. Sure hope that they ARE 5c's and not some sort of special.


                                  David Standing 1
                                    Posted by Rik Shaw on 02/05/2018 17:36:20:

                                    David – You have prompted me to double check the description of my purchase and it looks as if four collets in the sequence will be missing 5/16" – 15/32 – 7/8" and 1 1/16" but yes there are a lot of collets – 66 to be precise. Your figure of 76 would be about right but for the fact that there are no sizes between 1 1/8" and 1 1/4". I am still bothered by the ! 1/4" though. Sure hope that they ARE 5c's and not some sort of special.



                                    I understand your concerns, since based on your previous comment, the 1 1/4" collet appears to have a wall thickness of one fresh air! surprise

                                    Fingers crossed yes

                                    David Standing 1


                                      I have found your purchase wink

                                      Biggest collet in the box appears to be 1 1/8, and that will give you a wall thickness of 1/16", so I don't think you have any problems!


                                        Should be able to get a bit knocked off the price thenwink 2

                                        David Standing 1

                                          Good price as it was Jason wink 2

                                            Posted by Mick B1 on 02/05/2018 15:32:51:

                                            Posted by David Standing 1 on 02/05/2018 14:38:06:

                                            Posted by roy entwistle on 02/05/2018 14:24:29:

                                            Check the numbers before and after and it's obvious that it's 35/64


                                            It is, but that wasn't the point wink

                                            Hmmm…. extremely punctilious point then, IMHO laugh.

                                            Dear god, yes. This surely takes the tightly contested angels / pinhead award for the week. Incredible. Just incredible.

                                            larry phelan 1

                                              I hope that book is not wrong,otherwise I,m in trouble !! That book is my Bible !!

                                                Posted by mechman48 on 02/05/2018 15:30:45:

                                                I have a latest metric revision & it shows all ok…

                                                zeus book.jpg


                                                Looks like they have changed the typeface for that column to something more legible and less likely to "blob out".

                                                We can all relax now.

                                                colin brannigan

                                                  Never noticed that before even after 52 years of using the bible.


                                                    I didn’t notice either been using Zeus for 30 + years.

                                                    Dave W


                                                      Hopper, where did you get your latest Zeus and how much was it?

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