Zeamons Orrery


Zeamons Orrery

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  • #752915
    Alan Charleston


      I would like to have a go at making Zeamons orrery – http://zeamon.com/wordpress/?page_id=468

      The only plan he offers is a pdf file which can be downloaded from the link above. There is a 3D rendering of the item which can be manipulated to show different views and the individual components can be viewed in isolation.

      Unfortunately this isn’t of any help in actually making the orrery. Is there any way of extracting the information from the pdf file to produce orthographic views of the thing as a whole and the individual components? It wouldn’t necessarily need to contain the dimensions as I can scale these from the ODs of the gears. The problem with the 3D model is that it’s not clear that you are looking at a component absolutely square on after manipulating it.


      Alan C.

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