One aspect of buying an old lathe without having ever tried your hand at home engineering is that later on, when you’re a bit better informed by the good folks on here, you start to find the folly of that initial “great idea”. In my case it’s buying something so obscure that there are few of them around (that being said three of them have appeared on ebay in the last 6 months) and tooling for them is rarer than gold plated rocking horse poo!
Well a chance purchase from an advert on has turned up a fixed and travelling steady for my ancient lathe! The seller didn’t know what lathe they were from and a brief exchange of emails with some measurements indicated the fixed steady would be a close fit for my Barker which suggested it was worthwhile making a punt on a “make do and mend” basis.
It turns out the fixed steady is a 100% fit and the travelling one needed two holes tapping in the saddle and will need a slight bit of trimming to bring the horizontal arm level with the centreline. I am absolutely over the moon and cannot believe my luck. Just need to clean them up and make new brass arms for the travelling steady (hasn’t got any)
Just wanted to share my joy!