Hello all. Having read several of the related threads I'm pretty well confused about inverters, converters, static and rotary means of providing 240v 3-phase from domestic mains supply. Perhaps one of you gurus will be kind enough to point me in the direction of most cost-effective solution to the following problem.
I've acquired a benchtop sliding table saw with a LeRoy-Somer motor, type LST 71 69, of the following spec.
kW 0.55, ch? 0.75, rpm 3000, 50 Hz
I've moved copper links to change it from star (v420, A 1.25) to delta (v240, A 2.2) as given by the motor plate, and now need the means to feed it. Is a VFD, with the potential for speed variation, a better bet than some other device giving just a fixed speed ? I think single speed would be acceptable for my needs, though one never knows.
Your words of wisdom will be much appreciated, and sorry if I'm asking you to repeat advice already given to others,