- Not so sure Artful and Michael – my 95 year old mother had a meter reader call, no uniform, no ID offered and no COVID introduction / precautions. He didn’t have a clue where the meters were and could not apparently recognise the gas meter box by the front door. She did let him in and he had a good look around including at the boiler in the utility room.
Mother has a smart meter and prior to that I took all her readings for her so we smelt a rat and reported the event to the police and the supply company. The company had on their records that she was elderly / hard of hearing and that I submitted her meter readings and managed communications on her behalf.
It took nearly a week to investigate but turned out it was their meter reader, they agreed a reading was not necessary and undertook to terminate the meter reading arrangement (which did not exist before we had a smart meter installed)
Two weeks later we got another letter saying they needed to take a meter reading and had tried unsuccessfully several times recently.
The next week another letter arrived to say the supply company had folded.
You couldn’t make it up but with activity like that it is easy for scammers to look more credible than the real thing!
Edited By John Paton 1 on 28/10/2021 20:31:30
Edited By John Paton 1 on 28/10/2021 20:32:05