I received an e=post yesterday with font and colouring that resembled the Co-Op's, offering to pay for my shopping! Eh?
It was pretty clearly fraudulent by the usual things – TGTBT, slightly wonky English in the small print, very strange source.
Block & Delete – I opted for Block Domain rather than Sender, without really knowing the difference and effect, but it's gone.
That though was a mere irritation…..
Wednesday morning, phone rang. Usual thing – "Is that Mr. Gra-hamm?" "I'm from Microsoft and your computer has reported a serious attack…"
"No you are not and no it hasn't" , I replied firmly.
He persisted. I becamse shirty: "Microsoft do not ring people like that" , I said. "You are a liar and criminal. Goodbye!" and I hung up immediately. Usually that is enough but this one was not giving up easily.
He rang back to object to being called a liar and hung up on. I repeated my charge that he was not from Microsoft and ended the call.
Damn me if he didn't try again! "Persistant b-[railroad esperanto]-r aren't you?" I shouted and put the phone down. I realised his game – hoping to frighten me into obeying him.
He rang again but I said nothing, simply placed the handset face-down on the desk and waited, shuffling a few things around so he knew I was still here. He gave up eventually, but rang yet again a couple of minutes later. This time I simply left the phone to ring until he finally felt defeated.
Five attempts within ten minutes. Via 1471 and internet directory I found he was using a portable phone EE-registered in the UK. I had another call this morning, but the phone stopped ringing before I could reach it. This was another portable number.
It had not occurred to me to use my "Oh and by the way, I have worked in IT security!", which often scares them. Well, I did… Sort of. Clearing old packing materials from the firm's IT workshop and server-room.
Usually these parasites give up easily when they realise you have twigged their unlawful attempt, but I wonder if this was a one-off or a new development that will grow, in trying to browbeat the victim. He was certainly very persistant and aggressive.