Difficult to be sure, but definitely looks to be 2D only. If that's true, and there is no computer controlled Z movement, then that is very limiting. For simple 2D the size of the floppy probably won't limit program sizes. But on the assumption that the controller won't run code direct from the floppy look at the size of the onboard memory. That may be a lot less than the size of the floppy.
When I was looking for a CNC mill I considered secondhand Bridgeport style CNC mills but was put off by several factors. One, they were very limited in what they could do, I wanted 4-axis capability and 1980s electronics put me off. If (when) they go wrong repair/replacement is difficult and/or expensive, if not impossible. I'm a professional electronics engineer, but I wanted to make parts, not faff around repairing old electronics.
Personally I wouldn't even consider it.