Well I've made steady progress since taking the bait. I'm pretty sure my methods are somewhat unorthodox , as are so many others on here but all with the desired result, and I enjoy looking at everyone elses' solutions, as varied as they are. I dived straight in after advice from John Haine and plenty of Googling and ended up with a Nema 34 9Nm closed loop stepper motor, PSU and controller. What didn't come with the kit, or indeed what wasn't even mentioned on Stepper-Online's web site, was the ubiquitous PWM thingy, viz:

So I located a few and bought them without a real clue as to how it would all fit together. Anyway, this puny item became something of an enemy very quickly. Which dimwit (apologies if you are seeing this, whoever you are) arranged for the controls to point in different directions? Absolutely nonsensical, surely? However, once I'd got the thing wired up and saw the motor respond correctly I sat down to ponder, and this is what I came up with:

A quick turning job, shame I only hadd 25mm diameter stock, but hey, I got there. So with a carefully chosen box having a suitable lid, they solved that little issue.

And this afternoon I got most of the gubbins mounted ready for the timing belts arriving and just hoping I haven't missed anything.

I will be covering up the slotted things to keep metal at bay and also running a nice earth lead between the mill and that ally end panel.
And incidentally, that Nema34 motor turned out to be WAY too big and heavy for the X-axis so it's movig up to the Z now, replaced by a Nema24 4Nm job.

Edited By Terry Kirkup on 18/07/2021 20:44:40