I've used Surplus Shed several times Michael. One trick which believe it or not can save money is to ask them to ship things separately. That sometimes results in all being below the import limit so no vat and better still no tax collection fee – that can vary a lot at times. Not sure why.
I understand the limit is now £15. It was £18 and had been for a long time so really aught to be £30 plus.
Last time I ordered off them was the optics for a Bath interferometer. Easily the cheapest for the items needed but also a small surplus Edmond's lens of Ebay.com. That can often also be a cheap source of optics,
Why a Bath – final check on a telescope mirror when I get round to actually making it.
I'd be more interested to know if any one else will be ordering the kit.
Edited By Ajohnw on 18/01/2016 16:46:03