Workshop Practice Series on eBay: Copyright Infringement?


Workshop Practice Series on eBay: Copyright Infringement?

Home Forums Books Workshop Practice Series on eBay: Copyright Infringement?

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    jason udall

      John has highlighted what is often said that the digital portable version is useful to us..
      And also serves to restate that poor quality “bootleg” copies not only deprive the author/publisher of revenue but compromise the perceived quality of the original

        Posted by Robbo on 18/01/2014 17:30:27:

        PS. Ian, there is more than one person doing this

        Edited By Robbo on 18/01/2014 17:32:55

        Yes I know but if they are stupid enough to sell them on EBAY then they deserve to get caught and punished .

        I have a few CDs of magazines (not pirated but purchased from the copyright owner) that went out of publication many years ago and I would much prefer the hardcopy as I need a PC to read the CD but a book I have all the equipment already installed in my noggin so I can read it anywhere anytime.

        I wonder how the publishers of MEW & ME would feel if some one copied the digital archives to CD and started selling it on EBAY ?
        They probably are already but I haven't looked for it and have no intention of doing so.


        michael howarth 1

          Punished? The biggest rip off merchants in this country usually get a mention in the New Year's Honours List. Mind you it's probably different rules for small fry.



            I have, in the past, bought new books on various subjects (e.g, “Milling in the Lathe”) from the original publisher of ME. Theae were basically reprints of old ME articles. The black and white photos were very dark and difficult to see detail. I suggest that they no longer had original negatives and somehow used some other, 2nd rate el-cheapo reproduction process. More recently purchased similar new ME subject books from a number of other sources and photos were even worse. Suppose I was a mug not to have refused acceptance and sent them back for refund. I should add that the alternative sources were regarded as “respectable” – one being Amazon + el-cheapo prices. Get what you pay for again I guess. However, another apparently respctable supplier appears to charge as much as the market will bear and their photos are dreadful. Cheeky crowd!
            My point is that I believe tbat all or most hold very low stocks to keep storage costs down store it all on ‘puter then “print on demand.” Same rubbish photos used time and again.
            How come I can pick up a very old volume ME and copy photos/pages on my 3g mob, transfer images to desktop ‘puter and print good clear images? But publishers “cannot” ???
            More like dont want to, so as to keep costs down.

            Sub Mandrel

              DMB, I suspect it is not quite as you think. Having some experience of reproducing old publications in new ones, the poor reproduction is a symptom of making new offset plates from old printed copy; not el-cheapo, just the constraints of pre-digital processes..


              David Lawrence 2

                Ebay has now taken off this add. i did buy the dvd on friday, came yestarday. it is just OK scans of the books, pictures arn't great but it does show you what is in the book before you pay £ 8.00 for the real thing. Some pictures used in mags and books are years old and should be reshot on colour but nobody bothers in this trade. I was at Ally Paly yesterday looking for ane milling machine, lots to see, none of them powered up. How can they try to sell you a machine for £ 1200 but you can try it. If I go to the pro photographic shows to look at lighting all the gear is on and working and flashing, most odd.

                John Stevenson 1


                  You can't trap your fingers in a flash bulb.

                  After seeing some of the punters at shows I don't blame them, some I wouldn't trust with a file with no teeth on.

                  You can't drive the cars at a motor show either, thats why they have showrooms

                    Posted by blowlamp on 17/01/2014 18:10:00:


                    Interesting you think some on here are "scummy freeloaders".

                    Have you never read a book you didn't pay for?


                    Sorry for not replying sooner on this. Firstly, Jason Udall's answered the the book point.

                    As regards 'scummy freeloaders', that comment was based on the attitudes I referred to in the Yahoo newsgroup I mentioned, not aimed at anyone here. That said, these incidents don't happen without some measure of collusion from people in the 'ME community'. Who uploaded 300+ copies of MEW to the archive I referred to earlier? Who's going to the trouble of copying, formatting and uploading Workshop practice books to torrent sites? Definitely not bootleggers themselves — they're minimum effort/quick killing merchants. The culprits have got to be members of the ME community because they're the only people who'd have any interest in this material. What are their motives? Earning a few brownie points from their mates for providing these freebies? Or are they members of the property-is-theft brigade? Above all, of course, the people in the ME community sustaining this trade are those prepared to buy the bootlegger's 'warez'.


                    John Stevenson 1

                      Can someone point me to MEW issues 213 to 300 + please as i don't have these yet wink

                      David Clark 13

                        Hi slotdriller

                        a few people have tried selling them on ebay.

                        they soon remove them after I have emailed them with a simple message.

                        i threaten them with a personal lawsuit for £500,000.

                        worked so far.

                        regards david


                          David, if you are monitoring this thread I may have found another transgressor Workshop Practice on Ebay.



                          John Stevenson 1

                            Drunken ramblings removed.

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