Just a comment on solar panels. Our motorhome – campingcar in France! – has a 120W solar panel fitted. It charges 2 x 110ah 'domestic' batteries and will keep the engine battery charged as well. The domestic batteries, if we do not have an electric hook-up, have to run a diesel heater if the weather is cold, electric lights and run two fridges (one is run as a freezer normally) plus a TV if I succumb to SWMBO's ear bashing, unless of course I've accidently forgot to bring it with us (how could that possibly happen I wonder? But the peace is wonderful, no retard TV for days on end!).
In summer with long daylight hours, good light levels, no heater requirement, it just about copes if we are in one place for a few days with no electric hook-up. In winter, we need to drive places to get engine charging to keep the batteries topped up.
So for the IR unit proposed the solar panel would have to be huge is my guess, plus when you want it, in winter, light levels are low and short! A bit like wind power, useless when it's too windy, or cold but still in a winter high pressure time, when you really need all the power we can generate. Me sceptic, no way!