Hi guys
I recently had a need to cut a piece of mild steel into an L shape, to make a little square as part of a woodworking tool I’m making. The square needs to be very square, but not engineering, square squareness. So I cut the piece and then checked it carefully using my surface plate et cetera. It was way out. For what I’m doing, I would be happy with it being a thou or two out of square.
A problem with the Burke #4 mill is that the table has only one T slot. So to cut a straight edge on a piece of flat stock, you generally have to clamp it onto the table, and use a slitting saw off the edge of the table to cut the metal. The problem is, it’s extremely difficult to clamp it well enough to ensure that there is no movement whatsoever. I am 95% certain this is the source of my problem.
So today, I attached a little angle table I have to the main table I made a few little low profile clamps to hold the work better. I seem to get a much better result, and the cut was much more friendly too, with no sticking with the slitting saw, which is something that it has been prone to. See below a picture of what I’m trying to describe.
However, this isn’t really a solution because the little angle table isn’t really big enough to do many of the operations that I need to do (mainly cutting woodworking plane blades and making bits of tools).
so really, I need to get hold of a more useful T slot table with more slots, and bolt it to the single slot table on the mill. I have noticed on eBay that there are various extruded aluminium tables design for CNC purposes. Might this be a good way to go, to improve the general work holding capability of my mail? Or does anybody have a better idea?