Woodwork Bandsaw


Woodwork Bandsaw

Home Forums Beginners questions Woodwork Bandsaw

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  • #46823
      Could someone give me some idears please, I have got a floor standing Bandsaw I would like to gear it so that I can change FPM speed for I need  for metal cutting without taking about an hour to change all the pullys every time.
      It has a 1hp 1425 motor, one counter shaft and the a pully for the blade wheel I did think of putting another counter shaft in so that I can change pullys with a drive dog on a leaver but I cannot seem to get my head round the idear to get it to work.
      Any idears please, bearing in mind you are talking to a antique hobbyist who’s little grey cells are now a bit jumbled.
      Thank you for any help,   Bill Rouse
      BILL ROUSE 1
          Variable cone pulleys Bill, like the DAF Daffy dildo had as a final drive. There was a constructional article in an early MEW – “Variable speed drive”
            Regards  Ian.
          BILL ROUSE 1
            Hi Ian
            Thank you for the reply it sounds as if that is what I am looking for, I started to look through the back numbers, but I found that the format is a disaster fo me so I am going to see if I can find a back number to buy.
            Thank you for your help.
            All the best for the new year,           Bill
              “I did think of putting another counter shaft…  ”
              Have a look at the Google archives of Popular Mechanics
              Go to
              Then work down to the February 1969 issue and go to page 187.
              BILL ROUSE 1
                Hi Dunc
                Thank you for the reply and your suggestion, I have spent about two hours serching the file all ways but as far as I can tell page 187 does not exist in the 1969 list  I even tried serching for page 187 in all the volumes and only got one and that was a advert page I have tried serching everywhere on the web but no luck so what I think I will do next is to take apart the head stock on my woodturning lathe and see if I can copy that one.
                Thanks again for your reply it is much appreciated.
                  I have copied the file from the google archive and posted it here in Acrobat format
                  or here as a .png file
                  I am not certain if the MEW forum likes live links embedded within the posts. You will have to change “hxxp” to “http” in each url to obtain an active link. You will require Adobe Acrobat reader (or similar) to view the .pdf file. The .png is viewable in MS Office Picture Manager and IrfanView – among others.
                  Any more problems pls post and I’ll try to sort it out.
                  BILL ROUSE 1
                    Thank you for all your trouble, I downloaded it ok and it gives me idears to work on.
                    All the best,           Bill
                    Ian Abbott
                      How about a pair of stepped v-belt pulleys, same as the bench drill.
                      Tony Ray
                        Why not run the whole thing from an inverter ? Contact one of the companies advertising around the edge of this fourm page I am sure that they would be pleased to advise you of a suitable model and of its suitability for your application.
                        BILL ROUSE 1
                          Hi Ian
                          Thank you for the reply, yes that is what I first thought off and worked it out, what I could not work out is how to change speeds without changing pullys every time, but thank you for your imput.
                          Hi Tony Ray
                          Thank you for your suggestion, but with all due regards I am a OAP on a state pension trying hard to keep my hobbies alive but at Just over £200 is a bit above my budget, but thank you all the same for your help
                          All the best,      Bill Rouse
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