Hello, I’m hoping for some opinions for and against a wood floor in a small workshop.
This summer I will be constructing a dedicated workshop building attached to an existing 2 car garage. I’m thinking wood for the warmth, ease on the body, and ability to run cables, hot air ducts, etc up from it. I’m in Western Canada where the temp goes down to -40C in the winter so the ability to fully insulate the floor is a great advantage. I intend to use it for light hobby use, mainly woodworking machinery for now but eventually small machine tools such as my 1000kg mill. For heavy machines I’d always have the option of cutting away some wood for a dedicated concrete foundation later on. There will be no door large enough to allow a vehicle in.
The scheme so far is a 14′ X 22′ structure with 2 X 10 fir joists 12″ on center, resting on concrete grade beams, then two layers of 5/8″ spruce plywood, followed by a good floor paint.
Anyone done something like this before?