Wooden Gears


Wooden Gears

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  • #519242
    michael howarth 1

      That is a beautiful thing Michael. As for my son's venture, I think that he has settled on maple to make the gears. Now all he needs is the means to cut them as in Michael G's link.


      Former Member

        [This posting has been removed]

        Lee Rogers
          Posted by Brian G on 14/06/2020 14:09:13:

          Watermills and windmills used fruitwood such as apple for gear teeth, although this was running against cast iron. This website has a list of the properties of different timbers for making wooden clock gears, so it might be relevant.

          Brian G

          I remember sometime in the late 60s our village blacksmith recall that many years previously he had repaired the watermill gear with inserts made from Holly. The individual teeth were trimmed to fit the rim . I guess the logic was that the frame of the big gear was made of timber with a bit of resilliance but the teeth were hard wearing and easy to replace. Other than that it sounds like this lad is going to build a nice little bonfire.

          Michael Gilligan

            Posted by Lee Rogers on 12/01/2021 10:12:46:


            Other than that it sounds like this lad is going to build a nice little bonfire.


            What he has made seems to be ‘a nice little earner’ : **LINK**



              Posted by Georgineer on 23/08/2020 11:53:48:

              Posted by Tim Stevens on 22/08/2020 16:43:16:

              An alternative gear-tooth cutting method, if you can access the kit, would be to draw out the gears in a CAD program and get them laser cut. This method uses a hot beam of light across the gear, so there should be no tendency to tear at the grain.

              I think there are adverts in MEW for this sort of service.

              Cheers, Tim

              My personal objection to this would be an aesthetic one, because the cut surfaces are scorched black.

              George B.

              Edited By Georgineer on 23/08/2020 11:54:05

              When we were kids did we not scorch the ends of our arrows black to make them harder ?


              old mart

                Hardwood lapping sticks are available up to 25 x 6mm section which may not be big enough. They are laminated and very hard and strong.


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