I saw some very interesting wood pyrography at the weekend.
Basically chunks of sanded wood were “painted” with several coats of a concentrated solution of Bicarbonate of Soda with the final coat left wet.
Two rounded end 4mm diameter steel “electrodes” held by insulated welding torch handles were placed at either side of the piece of wood and (Wot the bloke said) 2000volts from a 240v to 2000volt transformer supplied to the handles.
The current arced between the electrodes creating “lightning forks” between them and forming burn marks on the wood. With a bit of jiggling about, some very interesting art work is produced. The arc was controlled On/Off by a foot switch.
Once the pattern is finished, the bi carb is washed off and when dried, varnished.
The transformer was about 3 inch cube (best specification I could see!!).
Anyone seen this sort of thing, what is it called and what sort of transformer would one use.
Ps – Don’t try this at home – however, there was no safety barrier between the “operator” and the general public.