One possibility is that someone in testing has run the power feed against a locked carriage, and bent the carriage pinion shank.
That's what I did within a week of receiving my WM250V.
You can fix it with a crowbar, thus:-

Use the toe-end of the crowbar, and wind the carriage as far as you can toward the tailstock, and stop at the stiffest sticking-point.

Set the toe of the crowbar against the top of the pinion shank, and lever upwards to bend the pinion downwards, out of tight mesh. Use moderate force.
Of course your lathe is new and you mayn't want to try that – but my WM250 hasn't shown any problems – other than of my own making – since I did that, and it cured the sticking carriage completely and with no side-effects.
So you might save yourself a good deal of hassle with a few minutes' experimentation.