Posted by Joseph Noci 1 on 06/08/2019 13:39:43:
Bit late to enter the fray, but…I do think a NEMA34 size would have been better, or at least a motor with maybe around 3 to 4NM torque. The problem is really overcoming the stiction in the system and will be worse on the up..
If you are willing to try a few things –
Does the motor turn on its own, disconnected from the leadscrew?
If so, loosen up the Z Gibs completely and try again, just to see if things move.
If not, let me know and we take it from there.
Do you have an oscilloscope?
Can you post a wiring diagram of how you connected the bits?
I am starting to feel the 3nm motor may have been better Link
Before fitting I bench tested the motor and it was turning fine.
When I first fitted it the dip switches were set to 1 amp, when I set it to the required amperage, 2.8, it stated working on the mill.
I don't have an occiliscpoe
Wiring diagram: