Prepare yourself for some quality computer time!
Plenty of ways to get valve gear wrong so its risky to assume that eccentric position is the only error.
Far better to sit down and measure valve movement so it can be plotted against eccentric rotation so you know whats going on. I'd be inclined to add little pictures of what the valve position looks like and how it relates to the ports at various positions too. Best to check what effects varying the cut off has too.
A boat load of boring work but, once done, you can check it against the books and/or a simulation program before coming back onto the forum armed with relevant questions hard rooted in reality. Hopefully by then you will also have some idea of what you might try to fix it so it will be much easier to follow expert guidance.
"Yep that should work well enough but while you are at it its just as easy to do …. which will turn out better overall." type advice is much easier to follow than painting by numbers in a conceptual vacuum.
Given the known variabilities of Winson kits it would be unwise to assume that a fellow suffers advice "I fixed mine by …. " is directly applicable to yours without thoroughly checking.
That said "I fixed mine by …. . Which wasn't too hard really once I'd figured it out." is a very encouraging sentiment when you fear you've ended up with an (expensive) un-fixable lemon. Even if you end up doing something different.
Best of luck.