So I’m begining to think that replacing my Windows 10 system, it’s not compatible, with Windows 11 is a bad idea.
It seems the choice is Linux or Apple.
Any suggestions please?
Stick with windows. Linux is ok for IT professionals but if you just want to use a computer rather than fiddle with it windows is still best.
Before I retired I worked in computer consultancy and ran Linux Servers. They were fantastic. I had some file servers running 24/7 for years in business critical situations without a reboot.
I had similar issues with windows 10. I wanted to keep it as my old PC did everything I wanted. Unfortunately a windows upgrade broke it for good. I bought a bare bones secondhand HP Core I7 on Facebook market place for £65 and scored a 3 year old one. Swapped some stuff around and it’s awesome. Brill for Sketchup and rendering and pretty much instant.
If you look on Youtube there are a ton of videos on using old Zeon Processor work stations for windows PCs. They are absolute beasts and can be had for £100. They cost £15k new and are still relevant today.
Upgrade and stop messing about!