Posted by DiogenesII on 18/02/2022 09:46:14:
Doesn't that video shows the collapse of a turbine that entered service in December 1996 and failed in 2008 while under repair in high winds off the Danish coast – probably the very reason it was being videoed?
Oooer, has dropped 5mb in three hours here now.
Edited By DiogenesII on 18/02/2022 09:48:46
It was indeed being serviced and a noisy gearbox noted and due to be investigated further. It was the brake system that failed (much like the windmill stories I started with). As the blades spun faster and faster it was thought one struck the tower and caused them to explode. The video was by occupants of a nearby farmhouse rather than on-site engineers.
As for today's wind warnings – well so far gusting a lot less than 2 days ago..