will Mortons honour subscriptions paid the Mytimemedia


will Mortons honour subscriptions paid the Mytimemedia

Home Forums Subscription issues and Digital magazines will Mortons honour subscriptions paid the Mytimemedia

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  • #596176
    Frances IoM

      I took out an annual print only sub to MEW in Jan 2022 – I have just received a subscription note that I have only one issue left after the current #315 (May issue) – #316 is I assume the last issue to be produced by mytimemedia staff given the long lead time from preparation to print.

      Edited By Frances IoM on 28/04/2022 13:25:30

      Frances IoM
        Neil Wyatt

          Hi Frances

          All subscriptions will be honoured.

          Issue 315 was published by Mortons as will 316.

          Subs are currently still being handled by the same agency for now,

          Please see THIS LINK until I have information on new arrangements to make an enquiry.




            Well the latest ME 4689 came out a week before MEW and that has Mortons as the publisher not MTM so looks like they will


            EDIT Neil beat me to it

            Edited By JasonB on 28/04/2022 15:04:05

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