I am going to help make this thread go to fo. 11! Such an emotive subject just runs and runs. What I really hate about Imperial length measurement, is like an old article reproduced in the latest MEW. The offending item has 3 diff. dias., so each one has its length shown just above, 1 1/8", 7/16", 3/4". Nothing wrong in that, other than in order to ascertain how long a piece of bar to cut off, I have to add 3 dimensions to obtain the total, where each dimension has a different denominator in the fraction. Fiddling about with those could so easily cause an error. If it was in metric, 29mm, 11mm, 19mm, it would be much quicker to add up to 59mm with no risk of error, at least not due to all those different fractions. Yes I know the design was decades ago and the world has moved on as they say, but I'm only using that as a convenient example.
One very useful chart on my workshop wall, well, actually a framed cork noticeboard on the door, lists in Imperial decimal order, sizes of all the number, letter, fraction and metric drills. So useful in quickly deciding which best to use for an appropriate cutting allowance for a reamer! It's also a help in deciding what tapping size drill to use for a desired % depth of engagement. Only other items on the door are a row of screwed hooks for the exterior padlocks and an old tee shirt being recycled as a dirty hand wipe before I go indoors!
Edited By DMB on 10/03/2023 22:05:59