18 November 2023 at 20:21 DrDave Said:
To go back to the OP’s original point, I had not noticed that all had gone quiet until I saw this thread… I have been largely ignoring the new-look website for reasons that several others have already mentioned, but I had not noticed the absence of emails telling me that someone had posted on any of the forums that I follow.
I will explain a little as to why I started this thread (to which I never expected to get so many replies)
Since the new software was launched I have subscribed to five (5) threads (maybe called topics now). On the old forum probably I was probably subscribed to 50 or more but many of the oldest are just dormant as their threads are rarely added to.
Recently subscribed to are,
Comments (constructive) on the new forum software
Mystery Chip
New Forum Problems
New Forum Questions not in Help/FAQ
This Website
From subscribing to just those threads I received about 400 notification emails between 20th October and 12th November. At first I opened each email, followed the link, then deleted it, but on days when I did not have access to my PC the emails just remained although I had read their contents on my phone. Then when faced with 34 or 60 unread emails on the PC I resorted to deleting all but the last few most recent and catching up with the threads on the website. Whilst on the forum website I did always check the latest postings but as far as I could see there were not that many new topics initiated (that were of interest to me).
On about the 12th November I noticed a sudden drop in the number of notifications (only 2 or 3 a day) and the frantic bustle almost stopped. Up to that point the forum had been pretty busy but mostly because posts were related to the same few threads and to which the moderators (and one or two non-moderators) made the most posts.
I read every posting and followed the progress,(mostly lack of) regarding the new forum software, whilst I made a few replies I soon realised that any comment or suggestion I would make had probably already been made by several other participants so there seemed little point in adding to the general noise as the developers were probably already overwhelmed.
I do have in my mind, I think, an explanation for the sudden change. One reason was the Dave (SoD) had other (non-forum) matters to attend to so was effectively off-line, I also think that some of the people that had been very active began to realise that their hard work and best efforts was going unheeded so justifiably thought ‘why bother’ or maybe just slowed down.
Quite apart from Morton’s getting themselves into a mess with this upgrade I think they have behaved badly in not explaining by coming to the forum themselves and updating the forum members and the website users. We have been mostly in the dark with only limited information from the moderators (who I gather were pretty much in the dark anyway). The latest reply from Colin (691834) does however explain clearly how the present situation arose, Thank you Colin.
Ian P
PS I have not received any notifications at all from threads I was subscribed to on the old forum. Probably those threads have not had any new replies (or the possibly my notifications have not been carried over)