The Account-Ants, and some very senior managers, have very much a fair share of the blame to take as well as greedy short sighted unions and workers.
In the 1970’s I stood by the building of a (then) very large container ship. Had 2 main diesel engines each of some 26000 shp each, plus 5 generators of 2500 shp each – we were a total refrigerated cargo ship. The obvious solution would have been to put a nice efficient exhaust gas boiler in the chimney to take all the heat from the exhaust gasses we chucked up into the sky to generate steam to run a turbo-alternator, but no, the account-ants ruled. Payback on this had to be 3 years or no-go. The building team got the payback down to 5 years, but it was not good enough, so no steam driven T-A. Given the life of that ship, like most ships, would have been at least over 25 years, was that short sighted or what? The building team would spend 2 weeks deciding on whether pump A was better in performance, delivery, price etc etc than pump B. Then in the final meeting the account-ants would come in and say you are having the rubbish pump C because it is cheaper! And so it has gone on ever since.
We are surrounded by water, we need and once had a strong merchant navy supported by a strong shipbuilding industry supported by all the relevant manufacturing and engineering industries to be able to survive by ourselves. All is now gone.
In the 1990’s I worked for a horticultural company and what an eye-opener. Nothing of quality was ever bought if an alternative was available that was cheap – Crap was King!
I now live in France for part of each year. We haven’t got a car company left to shout about in the UK, but France has. Most of the motors on the road here are French. Reason, the French, despite being big in the EU, first and foremost look after the French, France and all things French before considering the EU or the rest of the world. Why can’t our politicians do the same in the UK?
But as for working on any modern car, forget it. I have an old Renault 4 as a fun car and it’s great, I can work on all of it. My Renault Scenic by comparison, needs a garage to change the headlight bulb. (well, OK I have done it, but you have to take a load of covers off and then it helps if you have one inch diameter arms fitted with universal joints, and it takes about an hour to change one bulb.) The stupid thing is, in France you have to carry a bulb kit around with you in case one light goes out, despite the fact that changing a headlight bulb by the roadside is a total non-starter for 99.99% of the motoring population.
I agree with most of what has been said above. You get what you pay for, buy crap and crap is what you will get, and twice off as you will buy twice. I lament the fact we now have a throw-away society and cannot /will not repair anything, and that stuff is such rubbish that it lasts no time at all. Our resources are not infinite, eventually we will have used everything up and then we will HAVE to start repairing stuff. And that time is not that far off, maybe not in my lifetime but not long after when the oil runs out. Just think of stuff that needs oil either as a material or as an energy in it’s manufacture. Frightening, or what?
Ho humm, so endth the rant for today, feeling better now!