I saw something interesting about a question is 60 degree more accurate than 90 degree V-Block turned between two centres.
It seems you do get a different reading rolling the round stock in the V-Block.
Now as I was thinking about this, someting just pops up in my mind and I thought I mention my thoughts regarding this:
Lets say you buy the most expensive sensitive digital micrometer available 100% calibrated at certain temp etc and you repeat measurements under same conditions…..You will be able to measure some difference if its not 100% round.
My point is that a micrometer is an acceptable measurement tool, so with a micrometer you got two paralel surfaces, not 60 degrees neither 90 degrees.The micrometer however does not have one side solid reference to a surface plate, its like "in the air floating".
How does this weigh in on this argument, or is my point irrelevant seeing you measure out of roundness in a V-Block(?) on a surface plate with a dial test indictor on a stand and thats it, the value is not important, just the fact you can se/detect it, and if correct it will be zero in all cases, it must be.
Just curious to know some extra thoughts on this.