Posted by ken king, King Design on 01/08/2016 00:28:34:
Isn't it peculiar how a seemingly straightforward enquiry can produce diametrically opposed views from people who are doing the same things ? Fascinating and all good stuff, keep it coming chaps.
Yes Paul, I believe I acknowledged the 'bomb' potential and the need for certification in my first entry, but you raise a valid point about liability, and hence the possible need for insurance cover. Do other modellers, making boilers only for themselves, take out such insurance (after all, bystanders cold be hurt wherever steaming) ? Or is there compulsory club/association coverage as with R.C. model aircraft via the BBMA/LMA ?
I'll study the Australian code, but why has it apparently been dismissed in some quarters ?
The Australian code produces a boiler capable of containing a tactical nuclear weapon, but it is about construction not the audit trail you will need to follow to build a CE marked boiler.
UK Pressure Vessel Regulations
You will need to follow various links as well. This does not tell you how to make a boiler, it tells you how to comply with the regulations.
"If tried in a Magistrates Court, the maximum penalty for contravening the Pressure Equipment Regulations is currently a fine of £5,000 or, in some cases, imprisonment for up to three months, or both."