Hi all
I'm 82 and have just been able to start a little light model engineering after 30 years without a workshop or engines.
I decided that as I was going to build only a small stationary engine (ETW's Theseus) I would buy my first love.A Myford Super 7B to which I have added DRO.
I also bought a Warco mill/drill with which I am very pleased.
I have added a 6" bench free-hand grinder, (for which I have made two adjustable tool holders), an Axminster linisher and an old Warco band-saw.
The Myford is like an old friend and does all that I want. I cannot think that I would ever need a larger bore.
And I have a Myford vertical slide and a Picador drill grinding jig. So I do not think I need anything else.
So buy the lathe etc., to do what you want and enjoy using it.
My workshop is a 12' x 8' insulated shed just outside the kitchen door. A 120w cylindrical heater keeps the temperature up sufficient to stop rust and I can feel the slight warmth when I open the door. I then add a 1k oil-filled
radiator and life is wonderful.
P.s. After all it is only a hobby!