Posted by Steviegtr on 01/10/2020 16:26:43:
Also maybe consider buying some packets of Silica gel. Maybe 1 in each drawer.
It is the time of year for me to start thinking about damp. I have a dehumidifier in the main garage but not in the workshop. I have a tubular greenhouse heater on the wall near the mill , which will stay on over winter. I think they are 60watts per foot. So 120 watts all winter should not break the bank.
A silica gel packet will soon require regenerating. Not much good unless it is the ‘tell-tale’ type with cobalt chloride, or similar chemical, that changes colour between dry and exhausted gel.
120 watts 24/7 could cost as much as ninety quid (perhaps more if one is on a really poor tariff) over 6 months. It may not break the bank but that money (or some of it) would buy insulation and/or draught excluders that will still be working in following years – or even for decades. It needs a thermostat, at least, and needs to be low down, close to floor level (heat rises🙂 ). Our machines are worth looking after, mind!
My draught-proof (and well insulated) workshop only requires 750Wh/day, except when the weather is particularly inclement, to keep it dry and condensation-free (but not necessarily at a ‘working’ temperature). Could be as low as £15 but usually a fair bit more. On one tariff (5p/unit) it could cost only half of my dehumidifier running costs.
Well worth thinking of climate change, these days – not for us but for our children and grandchildren, etc – rather than thoughtlessly increasing global warming. I hate wasting resources.