Where’d MEW-213 go?


Where’d MEW-213 go?

Home Forums Subscription issues and Digital magazines Where’d MEW-213 go?

  • This topic has 42 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 21 May 2014 at 05:58 by Raymond Sanderson 2.
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    Neil Wyatt

      Hello Ray,

      If you want to copy me into any emails you sent, i can investigate for you. My experience of the subs team so far has been that they sort problems out pretty fast. neil.wyatt@mytimemedia.com

      If you found 213 at a newsagent anywhere in Australia, it must be a local distribution issue as all the newsagent copies are sent over as a single shipment. I'm afraid MTM can't do much about that, as it's up to the national distributors to decide where and when they send the copies they get.



      Edited By Neil Wyatt on 17/05/2014 09:08:11

      Raymond Sanderson 2
        Posted by Neil Wyatt on 15/05/2014 18:14:36:

        Hello Ray,

        If you want to copy me into any emails you sent, i can investigate for you. My experience of the subs team so far has been that they sort problems out pretty fast. neil.wyatt@mytimemedia.com

        If you found 213 at a newsagent anywhere in Australia, it must be a local distribution issue as all the newsagent copies are sent over as a single shipment. I'm afraid MTM can't do much about that, as it's up to the national distributors to decide where and when they send the copies they get.



        Thanks Neil for the interest and reply

        Yes even the newsagent I had organised keeping the mag for me said they are experiencing problems. Its not my first time with UK mags the distributors as you say share what they get where they feel like.
        I will take up your offer and send a copy of the email to you, my main concern is the 6 week wait to get online access thats highly unfair having paid for it.
        I bet they don't allow 6 week grace when the subscription finishes.
        There is no way of telling what issue I'll get first so in the mean time I have to still keep watch and get 214 215 maybe 216 which you guys are up to.

        Edited By Neil Wyatt on 17/05/2014 09:08:31

        Raymond Sanderson 2

          Neil I am having trouble with your email address both off the notification email and off here. Keeps bouncing back.

          use my email address please to send me even a blank email raysan56atgmail.com


          Diane Carney


            I also have tried to get our office personnel to have a look at the problem and will report back any findings.


            Michael Gilligan


              If it's any help … I believe that the problem with Neil's eMail address is simply that it has been inserted as if it was a web-page. If you look at the content of the hyperlink it reads:


              It should, of course, just read:




              Raymond Sanderson 2
                Posted by Diane Carney on 16/05/2014 01:18:09:


                I also have tried to get our office personnel to have a look at the problem and will report back any findings.


                Thanks Diane

                Raymond Sanderson 2
                  Posted by Michael Gilligan on 16/05/2014 07:48:16:


                  If it's any help … I believe that the problem with Neil's eMail address is simply that it has been inserted as if it was a web-page. If you look at the content of the hyperlink it reads:


                  It should, of course, just read:


                  .Michael I sp0otted that and tried as you have re-typed it still bounces back but will try again.



                  Raymond Sanderson 2

                    Just tried 3 times to send to Neil's email again and still it bounces back it could be something at my end as its bounces back almost as fast as I send it.

                    Raymond Sanderson 2

                      Thanks to all I was contacted last night by Sophie from MyTimemedia and got an access code

                      Then I went on to go and activate through PocketMedia and sadly that won't work so have contacted them. Until I hear back as to why etc still no luck with online viewing and downloading the Mag's



                        Ray have you tried the code here. On Pocket mags you will only see the mags as they are "published" since your subs became active so unlikely to see anything until the next one goes live.

                        If you go to your profile and enter the code you should then be able to view all MEW back issues from 1 – 216


                        Edit, I just checked and you have done that but can't get access here either. I'll have to hand you over to Neil as it  maybe its another problem with the 10digit codes.

                        Edited By JasonB on 17/05/2014 07:37:54

                        Raymond Sanderson 2

                          In answer Jason yes put the code in here first.. Then did the Pocket Mags thing.

                          Glad you have the ability Jason to check things out. I was beginning to think maybe being an ex-pat Geordie, the UK had take a block on me.

                          So as you have explained in getting the latest issues off Pocket Mags they can only be read online and not downloaded is that right and it must be the current mag?

                          If thats the case no wonder I have to wait 6 weeks as 216 has just come out. Sorry to say but that is pretty lousy being I am 3 mags behind the UK release as it is.
                          After talking to the Newsagent where I finally got a copy of 213 just released here they are having problems with the distributor here.

                          As for older mags and current they are accessible only through here? I gather they can be downloaded and read off line? Which is what I believed I was paying for along with a Hard copy.

                          Sorry to be a pain but for us the exchange rate is a killer and this process is far away from what it should be with modern ways. Being it leads you to believe you have instant access online at least.

                          Still emails sent to Pocket mags and to Sophie again about the code access I haven't had a reply back yet.


                          Neil Wyatt

                            Sorry Ray,

                            That's the second time I've done that with my email. I've re-edited the links in my message and your quote.

                            The problem is that there are three ways of digitally viewing the magazine.

                            The first is standard 'pocketmags' online reader.

                            Second is the non-downloadable online archive explained here:


                            Finally there is the 'pocketmags' offline reader package which does allow you to permanently download issues, explained here:


                            Unfortunately, the system tends to get people into the online archive (via the magazines link) and the offline package is not so easy to find.

                            We have had some issues with 10-digit numbers and I'm still not sure how they are best sorted. I will try and find out for you on Monday.

                            I'm sorry about the byzantine complexity, hopefully these links will help.



                              To put it simply with your print plus digital MEW sub


                              View online mags published after the start of your subscription for as long as you have a current subscription

                              View offline and store mags from the start of your subscription and activation of their offline reader.

                              The pocket mags viewer has a few extra features than the ME one that saves having to flick through a whole mag to find the article you are after.

                              This site

                              View all back issues of MEW

                              Get the current mag before it goes on sale and by the sound of things thats a lot earlier that whats available down under


                                I received my copy of 215 about 10 days ago in Darling Downs, WA.


                                Raymond Sanderson 2
                                  Posted by JasonB on 17/05/2014 10:13:15:

                                  To put it simply with your print plus digital MEW sub


                                  View online mags published after the start of your subscription for as long as you have a current subscription

                                  View offline and store mags from the start of your subscription and activation of their offline reader.

                                  The pocket mags viewer has a few extra features than the ME one that saves having to flick through a whole mag to find the article you are after.

                                  This site

                                  View all back issues of MEW

                                  Get the current mag before it goes on sale and by the sound of things thats a lot earlier that whats available down under

                                  Thanks Jason, sorry for delay replying been out since early morning.

                                  I shall just wait and see what comes for a while hope its all sorted soon.


                                  Raymond Sanderson 2
                                    Posted by AlaninOz on 17/05/2014 16:03:00:

                                    I received my copy of 215 about 10 days ago in Darling Downs, WA.


                                    Alan this is sounding promising thanks for posting gives me some relief I can assure you.

                                    Raymond Sanderson 2

                                      Just got into the Magazine online link through the Tab at the top of the page thanks all now to see if I can do the same through Pocketmedia tomorrow.

                                      Raymond Sanderson 2

                                        At last I had time to sign in to Pocketmags and see if I could get access and download and success.yes

                                        I have the MEW team to thank for their part in the whole procedure and chasing the matter up you all deserve a few of these.beer if I was closer it would be my shout.

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