I put an advert on homeworkshop for an optically flat mirror but as yet have had no responses to it. These things seem to be thin on the ground and very expensive, if you buy the mounted ones.
I'm looking for 'thinking out of the box' suggestions as to where I can find a decent fractional-wave first surface mirror to use as a reflector for an autocollimator I am picking up shortly. I can make the sled to carry it and I'm confident that I can make a mount but I need to first buy the mirror itself.
I know that there are a few members interested in telescopy and other optical interests so I'm hoping that someone can suggest a source for a reasonably priced mirror. It must be flat, and first-surface, and fractional waveength, so half-wave or better.
I'm not a tightwad but I don't want to pay newor crazy ebay prices. Hopefully there will be someone here can point me in the direction of a decent mirror or a device or instrument where they re used so I can look for a surplus one.