Where is my post?


Where is my post?

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  • #54941
      A few days ago, I wrote a post advertising where people could download my ‘Paddleducks Engine Book’ which contained a full description on how to build a twin cylinder steam/air engine. It was totally free for anyone to download, and over the years, many thousands of copies have been downloaded and many engines have been built using the said ‘book’.
      That part of the site has to be moderated before the post is shown.
      Can anyone on here tell me why it has disappeared and not been posted into the general forum?
          Don’t recall seeing it here John, not confusing it with your post on HMEM are you?
            No Jason, I put it on here because not everyone uses HMEM.
            I thought that because there were so many new starters on here, it might be a good model for them to have a go at, or even have a read of because it does get over a few of the lacking machines and equipment problems.
            Maybe moderation has deemed it not right to be in competition with this site, in which case they can………………….. I won’t finish it off just yet, I will see what they have to say first.
            David Clark 13
              Hi Bogstandard
              No idea why it is not showing.
              Please post again.
              However, I did download all three files but they all appeared not to work.
              Perhaps you would like to email them to me?
              regards David
                The only reason I posted it is because it is too large to send as an email attachment, 22MB. Otherwise I could have asked people to send me an email and I could have done it that way, but it would have meant I would be doing a full time and permanent job just sending them out.
                I have just downloaded all three files, after turning my account off, and downloading as a free user, and waiting for over an hour after the first download to be allowed to download the second and then the third, each file came down perfectly and unpacked with no problems, both manually and self extracting. You have no need to download more than one file unless you want the CAD files as well.
                I would suggest that you have a blocker turned on somewhere that stops you unpacking downloaded files. The files are definitely free of all infections, if they weren’t, I would have been hung, drawn and quartered well before now.
                I will get the files checked out on the HMEM site, just to double check they are OK, then resubmit them here.
                David Clark 13
                  Hi There
                  They downloaded instantly.
                  At 22mb they could not have done that.
                  Obviousley my Star Downloader Software.
                  regards David
                    A few years ago, I did an engine build on the Paddleducks website.
                    It was designed, written and catalogued as it progressed, no plans, just sketches and making things to fit as it went along. All written and described in laymans terms, for an audience of people with very little machining skills.
                    It is a fairly large engine for it”s bore and stroke, and wasn”t really designed to go into anything, but by the many builds that have taken place since of this engine, it has shown that even a relative beginner can fabricate this engine, and end up with a nice working and complicated looking display model, or you could even put it to work.
                    There are still a few builds in progress on model engineering sites, namely Madmodders and Home Model Engine Machinist, and has become a rather popular engine to make for say a second or third build, there is even one chappie who is building five of them off site, at the same time, and is in regular contact with me about it. I think he is looking at maybe Christmas presents.
                    Luckily a gent at the time took the whole 2 month+ post and edited it completely, and turned it into a ”book”, resulting in a 22MB PDF file. So it should download fairly quickly.
                    I have had this for free download on a few sites, some no longer in existence, but now comes the crux of the matter. It will very soon no longer be available for download from Rapidshare, as I am letting that account lapse, but the good news is that it is now available on my new Hotfile server. During the last year, it has had nearly 1000 downloads, and a few thousand before that.
                    I make nothing from this, and I only do it for the love of trying to keep this hobby alive and interesting to new people to this art form, who could very easily be put off by too much technical jargon.
                    Main book as a plain RAR file, you unpack yourself.

                    Main book as a self extracting file. This does it all for you, just download and run the program, it will extract everything for you into the same directory as the exe file is in.

                    Plans dfx files, not done by me so take if you want them, I can”t guarantee them. This is again a self extracting file, so just run it.

                    Don”t worry if you don”t have a Hotfile account, if you wait a few seconds, you can download it as a free server. As a suggestion, download the self extracting one, it saves a lot of effort, and is guaranteed by me to be totally virus and other nasties free.
                    Just enjoy it for what it is, not only may your learn a few techniques and build an engine, you might also enjoy the sometime humourous ways it was written.


                    Edited By David Clark 1 on 01/09/2010 10:55:57

                    David Clark 13
                      Hi Bogs
                      It was deleted by accident.
                      Luckily I had a copy so it is above with shortened links..
                      Have downloaded it and it is great.
                      Feel free to move it to a new Puddleduck’s thread if you wish.
                      regards David

                      Edited By David Clark 1 on 01/09/2010 10:58:16

                        Many thanks David, I have now copied it into the main forum, where it will hopefully help a few new members to get their feet wet.
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