The method that was constatnly drummed into me as a youngster has (with modifications) remained with me;…….everything hangs on the wall rack behind the lathe…….When you are ready to turn on the lathe, you pull the lathe over twice by hand (ie one complete revolution)…you put your finger on the start button… look at the wall rack..IS ANYTHING MISSING?….if not then push button…if something IS out of place/missing, then WHERE is it?
Nowadays in my 'micro workshop' I don't have a wall rack but everything is in the small chest of drawers under, and to the right of, the lathe. I still pull over the lathe by hand and still glance into the open 'lathe' drawer before pushing the button…..nearly 60 years later!
…..Nobody should be concerned by super nice, well ordered, clean, incredibly well equipped workshops…….Do the owners actually make anything? I have known no less than 4 people who set up beautiful workshops when they retired…then they died and people were asked to go round and take what they wanted …the original owners never got to make anything much, they were too busy building the perfect workshop……