When does one have to be concerned?


When does one have to be concerned?

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      On the 13th of May 2011 the first posting under the title “…3 CNC features…” saw the light of the day. I have to suppose that back then the issue 177 was out in the shops and possibly also to the subscribers.

      Well, not here, two and a half weeks later, although I don’t think I’m living on the edge of the world. So do you think I should approach -hmm, what’s the name they use now MyHobbyStore? – to ask if I was forgotten or what else.

      To make it clear: my subscription is well and still running for a couple of issues. Usually the delivery was not too far from the published date, sometimes even ‘just in time’.

      You may ask why I don’t use the phone? Well maybe I would find a number somewhere, but my trouble is that (I think…) I can write some almost correct phrases in English, and can albeit with some trouble also interpret some answers (in this forum), but have much trouble understanding some Englishman (or -women) on the phone, especially if they don’t speak BBC English. That leads to a never-ending succession of ‘.I beg your pardon’ from my side (and possibly from the other side too considering my alemannic articulation).

      Do you think I should bite the bullet now, nonetheless?

      Greetings, Hansrudolf

      Edited By Versaboss on 31/05/2011 12:52:34

      Edited By Versaboss on 31/05/2011 12:52:49


        about MEW delivery

        David Clark 13
          Hi Hansrudolph.
          Your account is suspended.
          The magazine was returned by the post office as gone away.
          This stops all magazines until you contact us with new address or confirmation of where you want the magazine sent to.
          Latest issue you should have had is MEW 177.
          Please advise correct address by emailing me.
          regards David

          Edited By David Clark 1 on 31/05/2011 15:58:05

          Paul Boscott
            If issue 178 is expected to have reached a postal address why can I not see it in my digital subscription
            Paul Boscott
            Peter G. Shaw
              I do hope you have made a mistake as otherwise you are going to be inundated with questions along the lines of “where is my subscription copy of MEW178?”
              You see, I have not got mine, my subscription is still running, my address is still valid.
              But, the on sale date is actually June 10 and in a previous thread you suggested 7 days before the on sale date for subscribers.
              Peter G. Shaw
                I suspect David may have meant…
                Last issue you would have under the current subscription is MEW 178
                .. and did not mean to infer MEW 178 is out now?
                David Clark 13
                  Hi There
                  Next one out is 178.
                  regards David
                  Peter G. Shaw
                    Yes of course. Silly me!
                    Mind you, it does show how things can be misunderstood.
                    Peter G. Shaw

                      Hi David,

                      mail sent.

                      And for all those interested in what has happened:

                      I seem to remember that the sending of the subscription is done now with another firm (no more “Swisspost” on the envelope)

                      These dumba**** managed to leave out the city name from my address. As the postal code still was there, the p.o. found me nonetheless. Bur the second time they lost patience, it seems…

                      Now I hope David can put the train back on the track, so to speak…


                        Well I think it’s time for an update. It is now almost 2 weeks since I complained about the missing MEW 177. I got some mails From D.C. and a Mr. Lewis, stating that

                        "We will ensure that these actions are fulfilled"

                        Nice it would be...

                        Today the postwoman brought ME 4406, with a correct and very legible address this time. But not the smallest bit ow MEW visible until now, and 178 went also out in the meantime.

                        My fear with all this is that some day I get a message stating that unfortunately all unsold issues have gone to the paper recycling place and we are so sorry that we cannot deliver the missing ones, but maybe we will prolong your subscription a number or 2…

                        , Hansrudolf

                        David Clark 13
                          Hi Hansrudolf
                          Don’t waste time complaining on here.
                          Complain to me and when they don’t sort it, complain again.
                          regards david
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