wheel sets and axleboxes Himalayan and Darjeeling


wheel sets and axleboxes Himalayan and Darjeeling

Home Forums Drawing Errors and Corrections wheel sets and axleboxes Himalayan and Darjeeling

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       I have just got started again on my Darjeeling Loco after a long lay off. I completed my wheels sets some time ago and have recently machined the horns and fitted them. The axle boxes were completed last week and I thought I would try the wheel sets in the frames when lo and behold they would not fit. The distance over the outside of the wheels was approx. 5/32" wider than the inside of the axleboxes. I then checked my dimensions against the drawings and found all in order, however if you then check the drawing dimensions they are never going to fit. I have not seen any other reports of this on this forum I cannot be the only one to have found this problem, can I?

      Edited By Dusty on 25/04/2019 15:54:45


        Drawing error?



          There is a list of errors somewhere on the internet, for SweetPea design and I believe for other designs. Try looking for a list appropriate for your loco.Sorry I can't be of more use. Good luck.



            Hi Dusty,

            I have found a thread on this forum which may help you –

            Darjeeling and Himilayan locomotive in 3 1/2 gauge. Note incorrect spelling of Him….



            Edited By DMB on 25/04/2019 19:03:32


              Yes I did look at this when I discovered the error. Given that a number of these Locos' are being built I am amazed that no one has raised the fact that there is this error. The error is I think (no I know) is in the horns and axle boxes, both should be 0.090" narrower than drawn. I was in the fortunate position that having produced scale thickness (0.620) wheels and reduced the back to back dimension to 3 1/16" I was able to skim the wheels to fit, they are now 9/16" wide as per drawing but no balance weights. I wonder how others have got on?

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