Michael Murray has a YouTube video giving a useful introduction as to what can be done with these devices in the modern era when paired with a dial gauge.
There are others but that was the first decent one I found.
Originally designed to be used with a holder to carry a deeply engraved ruler exactly perpendicular to a surface plate so these crier point could be set in the appropriate division to make a marking out line at exactly the right height.
This YouTube video is very brief but shows the use of scriber and rule
The Vee in the bottom lets the base sit squarely on a rod or shaft if needed.
Perhaps somewhat overlooked these days when magnetic bases for dial gauge holding and digital or vernier height gauges are readily available at affordable(ish) prices. I pretty much much don’t use mine but I have a decent amount of the flash gear.
Objectively not a device to be overlooked when tooling up on a tight budget.
Concerning the ball end at the top of the main rod it is said that this can also provide a safe parking spot for the point at the bent end of the scriber when stored. Set the rod and scriber vertical and arrange things so the bent end point is tucked neatly into the groove formed by the junction between ball end and rod. Mine has been that way for “not telling you how many” years.