I used to be able to view the site whenever and remain permanently logged in.
Then yesterday, I tried to ‘message a member’ whilst logged in, only for the system to tell me I needed to be logged in to do it when I went to send the message. Very annoying, as I then lost the message and hadn’t taken the precaution to copy the message to the clipboard first, had to login again and rewrite the message. Had this happen in the early days of this website but not for a long while.
Also now, whenever I visit the site, I find I am automatically logged out and have to login on again each visit – this never happened to me before that I can remember. Most inconvenient.
So what’s changed to cause this? And can it be changed back again please, if it’s a website problem?
PS. And it did it to me again as I tried to edit – said I had to login to use that feature. But if I wasn’t logged on how could I have edited the message?
Edited By ChrisH on 04/04/2011 16:22:57