Posted by Russell Eberhardt on 25/08/2016 10:21:37:
Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 24/08/2016 19:11:23:
Next question: what sort of word is 'flea-bay'. I'll open the bidding by suggesting it's a calque.
I don't think it's a calque (a word or expression in a language that is a translation of a word or expression in another language – OED) More likely a combination of "flea market" and "eBay".
I would ban posts from pedants like myself!
I hope no-one thinks I don't just get this stuff from Wikipedia but the joke is that:
"The common English phrase, "flea market", is a phraseological calque of the French "marché aux puces" ("market with fleas"
,[6] as are the Czech "bleší trh", the Dutch "vlooienmarkt", the Finnish "kirpputori", the German "Flohmarkt", the Hungarian "bolhapiac", the Italian "mercatino delle pulci", the Polish "pchli targ", the Serbian "buvlja pijaca", the Spanish "mercado de pulgas", the Turkish "bit pazarı", and so on."
ebay probably loath the people who've dissed their trademark. I used to have a local bus company called 'Badger Line', a name carefully chosen by the promoters to project a cuddly image. Unfortunately ungrateful passengers soon talked of nothing but 'Bodger Line'
I too would ban posts from pedants like myself.