I'd ban bans.
As a person who rides motorcycles I am always very wary of any attempts to ban perceived dangerous activities of any sort. Who gets to decide what is safe enough to be allowed? Eventually we will all have to sit at home and watch state-approved TV so that we can't go out and hurt ourselves. It's bad enough that they already make us wear helmets for our own good. ( I believe in wearing a helmet BTW, just not being forced to do so for my own good. It should be my decision.)
Same in my workshop. No, I will not retro fit belt guards to my 1937 lathe. I just keep my fingers away from the moving belts. If I screw up and lose a finger, that's my problem, not yours.
And I keep a big jar of about half a kilo of mercury in the cupboard for making manometers with, just for the hell of it. And a big bucket of powdered lime for heat treatment work. And vehicles that contain gallons and gallons of highly explosive petroleum! And those same vehicles have electrical systems that create, heaven forbid, SPARKS!
And some of those vehicles are very old, more than 75 years, and have no front brake, yet I have been know to ride them at about 100mph while racing other similarly mounted idiots.
Yet I am here to tell the tale.
Meanwhile, eating junk food kills far more people than workshop, workplace and road accidents combined. And it does not even have to be particularly junky junk food. Bowel cancer kills many tens of thousands of people a year, per country, and could be 90 per cent eliminated by eating more fibre in the diet. If the safety nazis really want to save serious lives, all they need to do is make eating two slices of high-fibre wholegrain toast a day mandatory.
Until they do that – lay off the bans that will not save a fraction as many lives.