Why do things hide in plain sight though?
Even quite big objects sometimes think they are chameleons and vanish into the background even when clearly on the bench or chip-tray. I've even managed to "lose" big tool-boxes!
One night, faced with a tricky engineering "sum" beyond simple arithmetic, I failed to find my calculator. Anywhere. I had no computer at the time. "Bother!" So:
Slide-rule…. That was hiding as well. "Damn!" (Ooer – watch they words.)
Log-tables, having refreshed my memory with the worked example in the engineering text-book that holds them.
"Hooray!" (Sum done.)
Next day, I bought a new scientific calculator, in WH Smiths or similar.
Three weeks later, I opened a drawer in searching for something else…. Guess!
' ' '
That was some years ago, not long after portable telephones had dropped from coat-pocket to near shirt-pocket size. Yet calculators had gone the other way. That which went missing is about as thick and wide, but shorter and much lighter than the present-day "smart"-phone. Though still lighter than the bulky "smart"-phone, all those calculators on sale, even the simple arithmetical ones, had gone to large coat-pocket size.
Oh, and I found my two slide-rules recently. One I'd bought while still at school, the other had been Dad's. And I still have the log & trig tables available if necessary… or by choice.