Existing MEW authors will now that I have a reasonable stock of medium lengths articles, which is being topped up at a steady pace.
I am, however, short of two types of article:
Those less than a page long, but more detailed than a 'reader's tip'. A stock of these to 'drop in' is really useful when, like yesterday, the first proofs arrive and three articles have come up half a page shorter than expected! These can be on any topic whatsoever that is likely to be of interest to ME readers and I'm happy to receive these 'on spec'.
Build it in a weekend projects. I want to make sure every issue has at least one complete build project in it. These must be short enough to print as a single instalment, and should include drawings and photographs where appropriate. The instructions should be detailed enough for a relative beginner to make the object in question. Ideally there are one or two unusual techniques or setups in each build to interest more experiences readers. It's best to contact me first before writing up something like this.
I am particularly keen to receive such short articles from new authors!