As to the PCP air guns, one can get about 100 (accurate) shots from the normal 200 Bar bottle on the gun. One can charge the gun either by a manual pump or from an air bottle (not all firemen go scuba diving🙂 ).
The 100 shots is usually achieved by fitting a regulator (or buying a gun which has one already fitted). One generally achieves a higher pellet count with a 0.22 caliber, at the legal 12 foot pound limit (16 Joules), than a similar 0.177 gun.
The Air Arms S410, I use at the range, gives about 70 shots maximum, not all of which are at the best part of the pressure band for accuracy. 195-115 Bar, with those above 180 and below 125-130 decidedly of poor consistency or drooping trajectory. The Air Arms S200, that my wife prefers to use, is far noisier than the much heavier S410 I use. The S410 has a sound moderator but there is not one fitted to the S200 she uses. It is certainly not deafening, but certainly would be more noticeable in a vermin control situation. It is loud enough to make ear defenders worthwhile/sensible at the range.
The S410 totes a magazine holding 10 pellets; the S200 can be fitted with a 10 shot magazine but is a single shot gun (magazines are not permitted in competition shooting, I believe). Both are capable of blasting the bull from a target with ten pellets, leaving a single hole (a little larger than a single pellet hole with the 0.22) at 20m.
There are guns which are well out of the range of the average for PCPs, but I’ve not seen one (yet) with a 30 shot magazine (they do exist – but probably only for ‘plinkers&rsquo