You have been unlucky.
Secondhand machines can be a lottery unless you know what you are about and are very careful. But even then you can get caught! No one, even if they know what the previous four owners did, is likely to put you off a sale by explaining why it won't turn parallel, or has missing or chipped gears.
Bearing in mind the size of machine, if I were in the market for a new machine, of a similar size to a ML7, a Sieg SC4-510 might well be my choice.
It has a 1 KW motor and being brushless provides high torque.
It is new, and seems to have many of the features preferable in a machine (Power Cross Feed being one! ).
I like the Leadscrew being covered to exclude swarf.
The changewheel set includes a 127T gear so that Imperial threads can be cut with greater accuracy.
Have never dealt with Axminster, so cannot comment on their offerings or after sales support.
Have only dealt with Arc Euro as small value customer, but have never had reason to fault them
The starter sets, offered by Arc, except No 2 (which would be my choice anyway ) are currently out of stock.
The only extras that I would seek would be a four jaw independent chuck, and possibly an ER Collet .
Other than measuring equipment, and a bench grinder, that would seem to be a fairly complete set up.
A friend has a SC4 and has not told me of any problems.
But, these are my preference, The choices have to be yours.
Edited By Howard Lewis on 22/01/2021 16:23:56