I’m thinking back to what motivated me to take an interest in model engineering. There wasn’t any big influence that I can think of early on, and our domestic toolkit consisted of just a few household hand tools. I was an avid reader and in 1968 my dad bought a book that had an article on how to make an electro magnet. Whilst I couldn’t build it to the exact design, I had a go with what I could put my hands on and it worked. My next project was to build an electric motor. Despite a lot of difficulty and trial and error (with no family support) It ran, and I can remember clearly the exact moment and the feeling I had at the time.
In the last year of Junior school, at the time I was taking my 11-plus, I had got the boiler constructed and some parts made for an oscillating steam engine. The boiler was the brass barrel from a foot pump and the piston cast in lead directly in the cylinder. This project ran aground due to lack of skill and tools, plus no encouragement from anyone to motivate me.
When I went to high school I thought there was a chance of finishing the engine and move onto some exciting projects. No such luck. The first job was to produce an aluminium name tag, stamped with my name. Depressing. The next was to make a poker, then a tin plate scoop and so it went on. I completely lost interest in my engine but took it in to show my metalwork teacher.
He said the class all had to make the same thing and I couldn’t skip any of the tasks to advance myself. He did say though that he’d create a metalwork club after school hours, so myself and two other pupils became regulars with a three-hour slot every Thursday. I got to use the lathes and pillar drill, plus any other tools I wanted and got pretty much one-to-one tuition. The engine got finished, but it ended up with a replacement silver-soldered copper boiler and proper machined parts. Then followed a more ambitious engine of my own design. I spent more and more time at home in the 6’x8′ shed and despite not having a lathe, managed to turn parts in a Wolf power drill mounted horizontally in the vice. I got really proficient at this and could turn small flywheels and make small parts for engines.
As an early Christmas present when I was 13, I got a paraffin blowlamp after pestering my mum and over the school holiday made a ‘marine’ power plant with a brazed steel A-frame engine (still oscillating!) and solid-fuel fired vertical boiler and displacement lubricator. To this day I never once achieved the satisfaction I had with that model. It ran supremely well and was all my own design – I dearly wish I still had it.
My two friends also advanced through the metalwork club: One made a quite exquisitely crafted flintlock pistol from drawings and with the cooperation from our chemistry teacher got hold of the chemicals to do the browning of the metalwork. All the parts were case hardened and it looked impressive. The other friend built a freelance 3-cylinder radial oscillating engine.
The school had Model Engineer magazine on subscription and I’d noticed that nobody read it. It was delivered, then put in a pile in a cabinet. I asked if I could have some to take home, so then had lots of reading material and this opened up a whole new world of possibilities. I read and re-read construction articles on any subject and developed a passionate interest in model engineering.
I think there were too many barriers to overcome with my limited home environment, and if it had not been for the metalwork club I would have dropped metalwork as soon as I could – everything was banal and rather rudimentary. Despite there only being three pupils in the club, we were all regulars and our wonderful metalwork teacher Mr Beech gave up his own time to keep the workshop open and allow us the freedom to do pretty much what we liked. I owe him a lot and he set me on the path for many years of model making, engineering, electronics, woodwork and much more.