What is this Icon ?


What is this Icon ?

Home Forums The Tea Room What is this Icon ?

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  • #705424

      This Icon has appeared on my screen on this forum site — can anyone explain what it is ?

      I have not clicked but two finger touch on a Mac an open in a new tab shows  — https://cdn-cookieyes.com/assets/images/revisit.svg   with nothing on the screen ?

      See the icon in the bottom RH corner of the screenshot — any explanation as to its purpose and how do I get rid of it ?

      Thanks John

      PS if you hove on it it says “consent preferences ”

      Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 10.49.30


        That is two icons in one!   The Cookie Consent icon over the top of the ReCAPCHA icon. Both of which seem to be pointless  but are unlikely to be removed any time soon. Have been mentioned in a few other threads.


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