The machine was most probably made in Taiwan, and imported by Chester, and Warco, and probably others as well, with different names and paint schemes, .
It might have been known, by Chester, as the Eagle followed by the number
Warco imported similar machines described as "Economy", "Minor"or "Major", depending on size from Taiwan
They were available in Imperial or Metric form, so you need to check the handwheel graduations, and travel for ,say, 10 complete revolutions of each handwheel to find which version..
Being a round column machine, I would guess that it was a RF20 , RF25, or RF30.
Comparing it to my Warco Economy. it may be a RF 20 if the column base is plain. The RF 25 and RF 30 are slightly different, being larger machines.
My machine, unless I am confused / careless, appears to have a mixture of Whitworth and Metric threads for fixings, so check carefully! before replacing any!
You can find specifications of the RF 20, RF 25 and RF30. by Googling Rong Fu RF20, 25 or 30.
The specification given on each web page should enable you to compare measurements / travels of your machine.with the specifications, to allow identification.
If you are very lucky, you may even be able to get a manual from them (The address in Taiwan is given )
This example has been considerably modified, by disabling the switch which prevents operation with the belt cover open (Missing in the pictures ) the fitment of DRO s and modified NVR and Fwd/Rev switch.
It may well be older than my machine which dates from 1990, judged by the handwheels.
Don't be surprised to find 0.020 – 030" backlash in the traverses. No insuperable problem, as long as you remember to operate in such a way as to take out the backlash.
The quill is likely to be 3 MT and the drawbar supplied is likely to be 3/8 BSW.
If all else fails, and it ties in with your machine, PM me with an E mail address and I will photograph my RF20 manual and the speed plate and send them to you.