A former superior of mine told me a slightly similar tale of his university course – and one oddly relevant to this forum.
The test question was to imagine a conical mountain of H height, A angle, etc. A railway spirals down from the summit to the plain, rather like a helter-skelter. A truck weighing M runs freely down it. …. Calculate its speed at the foot.
My manager said there were 20 marks allocated to it, but he made a simple arithmetical error right at the end…. and was given 0 out of 20.
Protesting, he was told gravely, something like "Mr. E—, in the real world the answer has to be correct!"
On Argand diagrams and imaginary numbers, though they are above anything I ever learnt (well, was taught…) might these be exemplified by a graph produced by a standard test of electro-acoustic transducers?
These resonate at a given frequency and the test applies a broad frequency run of pure sinusoidal electrical signals with the resonance expected somewhere in the middle.
The resulting graph is of impedance v. conductance, or vice-versa, I forget exactly. For a well-behaved transducer element the trace is a loop; a circle with a near-vertical approach and exit asymptotic to the y-axis. All values are positive but the resonant frequency typically lies half-way round the loop, on [x=something, y=0). It's a bit like the steam-engine indicator-diagram in that it conveys a lot of diagnostic information on the subject.
I was paid just to test the things. The scientists did the analysing, but I did ask one what the curve is. "The real part and the imaginary part" , I was told, as if that answered everything.
Art one point I chanced across a paper on investigating the so-called "wolf note" that can be produced on a cello. Not intentionally, I don't think! The paper briefly described the mechanical bowing arrangement set up on a cello in an anechoic chamber, then set off into the realms of Very Hard Sums Indeed. Among them though, I recall seeing a very similar loop graph, though of mechanical equivalents to the electrical characteristics.
So I take it this is widespread in such fields as vibration and harmonic analysis.
When though was the Argand diagram – if these impedance and cello-note loops are indeed such a graph – invented? Did it pre-date such physics but happened to find itself in such areas?
Edited By Nigel Graham 2 on 30/05/2022 22:49:00