I ahve a Warco Minimill which I bought some years ago. At that time I was a complete ignoramus about milling machines, ie I could recognise one but that was about all. So, this was then in the nature of an education for me.
Unfortunately, as I found out too late, this machine has proved to be a mess, eg the slides where visible were nicely done, but when I dismantled them, I found that the non-visible parts had been partially formed with an angle grinder. This, I feel is tantamount to fraud by the manufacturer but other than informing Roger Warren, who to his credit did say that they had stopped selling this machine due to all the problems they were getting, there is not a lot I can do.
Anyway, I am now slowly attempting rectify matters.
Todays problem concerns the fine feed for the vertical slide. This is a worm engaging with a wormwheel which in turn engages with the coarse feed by means of a multi-tooth dog clutch. (I think that is the right term.) The worm and wormwheel run in a support block which is rather crude so I am attempting to make a replacement.
The worm is at the end of a rod which about 55mm from the end has a flange formed on it. This flange sits in a recess in the block and in turn is held in place by a keep plate. Thus the worm is more or less located in a set position. The worm od is slightly less than 12mm, the shaft is also slightly less than 12mm, but slightly larger than the worm, whilst the flange is 15mm dia and 3mm thick.
To create the hole in the new block, I drilled a 7/16 in blind hole appropriately deep – I do not have any metric drills above 10mm. I then reamed it 12mm and followed up with a 12mm silver steel D bit. This was because I discovered on a practice aluminium block that the reamer is tapered. On the aluminium practice block, I got the worm and shaft to reasonably easily fit. On the steel block, it will not. The recess is 15.1mm diameter so there should be sufficient clearance there. The depth is more than adequate. I push a 12mm dia aluminium rod into the hole and it does not go full depth without jamming. In addition, there is evidence using this bar, of air lock which suggests that the hole diameter is very, very close indeed to 12mm.
Any ideas about what to do next? And what I may have done wrong?
At the moment I am thinking about drilling right through, reaming from the other end, then soft-soldering a plug into the end.
I should also point out the new steel block was BMS and being a bit wary of warping due to making unequal holes in it, I have attempted to normalize it by heating it to a high temperature and holding it there for an hour – it is 25mm thick.
Also, all the work on the hole, drilling, reaming, D bit has been done with the block mounted in the 4-jaw independant chuck. It has not been removed, indeed it is still there as I write. Furthermore, inserting the worm shaft as far as possible and switching the lathe on shows the shaft, all 160mm of it, to be running quite true so all the indications are that all the work is in fact concentric.
Peter G. Shaw